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A Yoga Journey
2024 Yoga Alliance Certified
200 Hour Teacher Training
AYJ 200 Course | AUG 16 - NOV 17 | $2777*
SAVE $300 NOW with Early Bird Price
through May 31st.
*payment plans available
Of all the paths we travel in life, the journey back to our true nature is a journey we all make.
Yoga is an illuminating light along that path. Come along with us as we embark on A Yoga Journey.
We’ll gather together each weekend to nourish our body, mind and spirit with the wisdom of yoga teachings. Embracing each day with ceremony, we unveil the magic of mantra and the power of ritual with puja and tea ceremony. Moving through the physical, mental and subtle bodies with practice of asana, pranayama and meditation. We’ll discuss the wisdom of the Sages in lessons on sacred and modern texts. We’ll learn about our individual Ayurvedic constitution and personalized nutrition to support a healthy lifestyle. We’ll dive into the different styles of yoga, with emphasis on Hatha, Vinyasa, and Restorative practices. We’ll learn how to intelligently sequence our own personal practice as well as professionally prepare a class for others if you choose. You’ll receive a personal Vedic Astrological Chart, based on the moment you were breathed into being, and catch a glimpse of how the stars and planets influence your life. Find your voice and purpose. Remember how to breathe again. Embark on a journey back to your true nature.
Our 200 Hour Yoga Deepening and Yoga Alliance Certification Course is designed to support your unique unfolding, so you may discover your own path, illuminated by the light of yoga.
AUG 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25
SEPT 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 27, 28, 29
OCT 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 25, 26, 27
NOV 1, 2, 3, 15, 16, 17
200 Hour Course Details
200 Hour Course Schedule | Begins Aug 16
FRI 5pm-9pm
SAT 9am-6pm
SUN 9am-6pm
10 weekends : 2 weekends in a row, 1 weekend off
Retreat Weekend: Sept 27, 28, 29
Course Topics:
Heart & Soul of Yoga
History of Yoga
8 Limbs
Pranayama & Meditation
Mantra & Puja
Intro to Sanskrit
Intro to Ayurveda
Intro to Sacred Texts
Physical, Subtle and Causal Body
AAA- Anatomy, Alignment, & Asana Refinement
7 Moving Principles
5 Categories of Movement
Asana Variations
Refined Alignment
Teaching Yoga, Methodology, & Practicum
Teaching Techniques and Tools
Finding your Voice & Signature Style
Meditation & Pranayama
The Art of Language
Yoga as a Profession
Hatha, Vinyasa & Restorative Sequencing
Theming & Practicum
Creative & Intelligent Sequencing & Theming
Holding Space
Teaching from the Heart
Using Props
Yoga Nidra
Course Includes Retreat Weekend and an Unlimited Yoga Membership for the duration of course.
*Payment Plans Available*